To all of driving school advertisement

What is ID?

アイディ × ZIPLUS

A major feature of our service is envisioning a new platform that connects new car life students to driving schools.
To that end, we have partnered with new sponsor companies in addition to licensed users and driving schools.
We offer a large number of Discount menus, privilege menus, compensation services, etc. from these companies.
We will strive to further improve usability while meeting the needs of the times, and strive for your business advantage.

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Business advantage



* Pay-as-you-go charges and fees are required. Please contact us for details.

Ziplus 's strength is its strong ties with partner companies


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FAQ faq

About posting plans

What kind of license plan can be posted?
Are there any systems or menus that can be used other than posting ID?
1. ID system: A system that reflects the ID posting plan on the company's website
2. Advertising: Advertising and content creation such as banners and texts on each page in ID
3. WEB production: tie-up special page production and driving Driving School official website construction

Procedure until publication

What is the procedure from application to publication? How many days do you take
1. Reservation: The person in charge will send you the necessary documents.
2. Reservation: Please fill in the required items and submit.
3. Examination: We will examine whether or not to publish according to our regulations.
4. Plan submission: The person in charge will interview your school and register information such as school and plan.
5. Start of publication: ID school license plan will be posted on ID.

Support system after publication starts

What if I want to update registration information or discuss sales increase?
The support system after the contract is also substantial. A dedicated person will back up any questions regarding operation methods and postings.
In addition, we will make proposals that will lead to increased sales based on Access status and various data verifications.
In addition to posting plans on ID, we also provide web consulting services such as homepage creation and promotion, and we will support you in a wide range of ways.

Application publication

How to Reservation? Is there any more detailed material?

Inquiries and Temporary Application
From here