Object person will return up to 100,000 yen! Education and training benefit system that you will lose if you do not know

Licenses Applicable: Semi-medium License,Medium Vehicle License,Heavy Vehicle License,and Second-Class License,
And in the simultaneous training planfor multiple vehicles including Heavy Special Vehicle andTrailer-truck licenses,
By using this system, youcan receivebenefits ranging from 30,000 yen to a maximum of 100,000 yen.
Many people are actuallyusing this service.Please feel free to contact usif you have any questions.

1. What is the education and training benefit system?

The education and training benefit is a system in which the government subsidizes the training fee for acquiring necessary qualifications for work and obtaining the license for career advancement. If you attend a license course at a driving school designated by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, you will be refunded part of the expenses paid to the driving school from employment insurance. This license plan is for those who has employment insurance * with a term of 3 years or more. However, those  who receive general education and training benefits for the first time can apply if they have been insured for a total of 1 year or more. "I want to get a driver's license, but the fee is high ..." If this has ever crossed your mind, this is the system for you!

2. Courses Object by education and training benefits

Some of the training plans introduced by ID are eligible for the educational subsidy system. Check to see if  your desired school and license type is eligible for the subsidy plan. If you are planning to get a license then this is your chance!

3. About education and training benefits for general education and training

Benefit amount

If you take and complete the general education and training designated by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, you will be able to receive 20% of the cost paid to the Driving School (up to 100,000 yen per year).

* You cannot apply for payment for multiple education and training courses at the same time, but you can Reservation for a simultaneous training plan (example: Heavy Vehicle License + Heavy Special Vehicle license + Trailer-truck license).

Persons Object for benefits

Diagram that can confirm the Object of benefits

important point

* Employment insurance insured is a worker employed by a company, etc., who has employment insurance. Sole proprietors and civil servants are not Object education and training benefits.

* Object to those who are within one year from the day after the departure date to the start date of the course. If the period of non-insured person exceeds one year after leaving the job, the period of the insured person before that period will not be totaled. However, if there is an unavoidable reason, the Object period by the education and training benefits can be extended.

4. You can also check your eligibility with Hello Work

To check whether you are eligible for education and training benefits and whether the course you are going to receive is designated by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare of the education and training benefit system, you can distribute it at Hello Work or at an education and training facility. Fill in the required items on the "Gold Payment Requirements Inquiry Form" and submit it to Hello Work in your jurisdiction.

5. Reservation-Admission-Application flow

1. Reservation
  • (1) When Reservation by phone, please inform the customer staff that you would like to use the education and training salary system.
  • (2) If you are using the admission Reservation form, please write "I want to use the benefit system" in the confirmation item column and send it.
  • (3) When the application is completed, we will send you a "content confirmation". Please be sure to read the important items such as your Requirements.
2. Payment
  • (1) Please bring the full amount of the Driving Camp fee to the school on the day of enrollment.
3. Entrance to graduation
  • (1) Driving School. Please bring the "Education and Training Benefit Payment Requirements Answer Form" issued by Hello Work and hand it to the driving Driving School.
  • (2) After graduation, please receive the following documents from the Driving School.
    • 1: Receipt issued by the Driving School
    • 2: Education and training completion certificate
    • 3: Education and training benefit payment application
4. Apply to Hello Work
  • (1) Driving Camp Please complete the application procedure at Hello Work, which has jurisdiction over your current address, within one month from the date of graduation. In addition to the above three documents issued by the Driving School, the following items are required, so please have them ready.
    • 1: Documents to verify your identity and address (either a driver's license, a copy of your resident's card, an employment insurance eligibility certificate, or a seal certificate)
    • 2: Certificate of unemployment insurance

6. FAQ

1. About the system

Currently receiving unemployment insurance benefits. I have met the general education and training requirements, but can I still use the benefit system?
Yes, you can use it.
If you meet the eligibility requirements for general education and training, you can use the system even if you are receiving unemployment benefits. If you are unsure of the eligibility requirements, we recommend that you inquire at the Hello Work office.
I heard that "Payment requirements are required on the course start date". When is the course start date?
For Driving Camp students, this is Starting date.
For Driving Camp students, the first day of lessons will be the start date. Even if you Reservation for a subsidy plan before enrolling, the first day of Driving Camp lessons will be the start date.
Can I use the general education and training benefit system many times?
Depending on the payment requirement period and the restriction period after receiving the education and training benefit, you can use it approximately once every 3 to 4 years.
This system is only available to those who are using it for the first time and have met the payment requirement period of one year or more.
Once you have used the system and received the education and training benefit, the payment requirement period (period of employment insurance as a general insured person) before the start date of the course will not be counted the next time you use the benefit system. Therefore, you will not be able to obtain new eligibility unless the payment requirement period from the previous start date of the course is more than three years. Furthermore, if you received the education and training benefit after October 1, 2014, more than three years must have passed between the "payment decision date" set by Hello Work at the time of receipt and the start date of the course.
Please note that you cannot use this system for multiple courses at the same time.
Please tell me about "extension of applicable Object period".
Among those who have left their jobs on the start date of the course, 30 days or more will continue for reasons such as pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, illness, injury, etc. within one year after the day when they lost their qualification as a general insured person (the day after the day they left their jobs). Object If there is a day when you cannot start taking education and training, you can notify Hello Work to that effect and receive education from the day you lose your general insured status to the day you start taking it. The period of training benefits that can be Object (applicable Object period) can be extended by the number of days (up to 3 years) when the course cannot be started. increase.
How should I go through the procedure for "extending the applicable Object period"?
A special application form will need to be submitted.
Fill out the "Application for Extension of Object period Applicable Educational Training Benefits" form distributed at Hello Work and submit it to the Hello Work office that has jurisdiction over your place of residence, either in person, via proxy, or by mail. Please note that this submission must be made within one month from the day following the day on which you are unable to start taking the Object educational training for 30 days or more due to pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, illness, injury, etc.
Can I use it at any educational institution or school?
It is not available at every facility.
It can only be used at educational institutions that offer general education and training designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare.

About the Object amount

What are the expenses Object by the benefits?
The enrolment fee and tuition fees paid by you are Object expenses.
Only registration fees and tuition fees for educational and training courses designated by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare are Object.
What is not a Object expense
・ Learner’s Permit Driving Exam fee
・ Final Driving Exam fee
Provisional license application fee
・ Transportation fee
・Accommodation and Meals costs
・Guarantee fee
If I apply for a Discount Reservation fee, will I be Object for benefits?
Discount amount will be Object will be paid.
If you Application for a Discount price due to various campaigns, etc., the reimbursement amount will be 20% of the amount actually paid (up to 100,000 yen), regardless of the list price.
I would like to pay the tuition fee with a credit card, debit card, or education loan. Will I be Object for benefits?
If you are using a benefit plan, you cannot use credit cards, debit cards, or loans.
Tuition fees must be paid in person at the school.
I Reservation for a designated course of the education and training benefit system. I also Reservation an optional course. Can I still receive benefits for this optional course?
Optional courses are not Object for subsidies.
Since the education and training benefit Object the enrollment fees and tuition fees of courses designated by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, even if Reservation for another course (optional course) in addition to the designated course, you will not be able to receive the benefit for the other course. Also, even if Reservation for multiple designated courses and meet the completion criteria for all of them, you can only receive the benefit for one course.
If the company subsidizes (pays) the training Driving Camp fee, is it not Object for payment?
This Object to self-paid expenses only. Subsidies from companies are not Object.
Expenses Object for reimbursement are those paid in the name of the participant themselves, and do not include expenses paid by a company, etc. Therefore, if the participant and the company, etc. pay the course fees separately and separately under their respective names, only the amount paid by the participant himself/herself will be considered as Object.
After completing the course, when you apply for benefits at Hello Work, you will need to declare the amount of subsidy you received (or may receive) from your company. For details on how to declare, the necessary documents, and subsidies that are Object to declaration (self-development support, celebration of passing exams, etc.), please contact Hello Work.
Is it not possible to Reservation for the education and training benefit system after enrolling in a driving Driving School?
Only accepted before admission.

For inquiries and Temporary Application
From here



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