最低価格保証 とは?
In the unlikely event that our price is not the lowest, we will refund the difference!
At i-Drive, if you report a website offering the same driving license plan at a lower price to our Customer Support within 14 days of booking and before starting at the driving school, we will match the difference by applying a discount or issuing a refund.
This excludes plans currently on sale on our official website, campaigns running on other reservation sites, and sale plans.
For details on other conditions, please see Lowest Price Guarantee terms and conditions below.
Eligible Customers
For customers who made a reservation on our website.
Eligible Driving Schools
All schools listed on our website are eligible for the Lowest Price Guarantee.
Eligible Websites
Applicable for prices found on other websites specializing in online booking of driving camps.
Application Flow
If you find a driving plan that is cheaper on a different website, even if the contents are the same as on our website....
Please contact us by phone or add us as a friend on LINE and send us the driving school name, starting date, plan details, sales URL, etc.
ID will refund you the difference after reviewing the information you sent us!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Ordinary driver's license (AT) Mr.TK: Is that warranty applicable to a plan from a different school but the same starting date?
- In this case, the terms and conditions do not apply and you will not receive cashback.
- Ordinary Driver's license (MT) Mr.OE: What kind of benefits are available? Do you need any procedure?
- We offer various benefits which can be found here (https://i-drive.jp/benefits/smart.html)The benefits can be used from the school enrollment date.
- Ordinary license (AT) Mr.ST A different school offered a group discount on the same plan, can the same discount be applied here as well?
- If the driving school, license type, current license, cancellation terms, start date, reservation details, guarantees, benefits, and conditions are all identical, we will refund the difference via cashback. Please feel free to contact us.
Other services
In addition to the Lowest Price Guaranteed, ID also offers the following special services.
Free benefits
Lowest Price Guarantee Agreement
How to Request for Differential Refund
I-Drive Customer Support will check the details and if the conditions for the "Lowest Price Guarantee" are met, we will refund the difference. I-Drive Customer Support will provide you with details on the procedure thereafter.
Applicable condition
- Driving School must be for the driving school alone, and the driving Driving School, license to be obtained, current license, conditions for mid-term cancellation, Starting date, reservation details, guarantee details, benefits details and conditions must all match exactly.
(If I-Drive rate plan is refundable and the comparison rate plan is non-refundable, Object will not apply.)
"Training fee" means the fee required to complete and graduate from the lessons set for each training course established by the driving Driving School (based on the training hours specified by law, and including additional fees when training exceeds the training hours specified by law) (in the case of overnight training, the fee includes the cost of accommodation), and the same fee plan shall apply to fees required due to the circumstances of each student, fees selected by the student, and fees required due to other circumstances. - The "Lowest Price Guarantee" applies only if the above conditions are immediately Reservation when you contact I-Drive Customer Support by phone.
This offer will not apply if the relevant plan is Reservation due to over-capacity or other reasons. - Discount rates that are Object to combined reservations such as package fees, training fees + vehicle purchases, and Discount fees that do not determine the training fee to be used until the actual purchase are not included in the "Lowest Price Guarantee" comparison.
- The prices shown on I-Drive usually include taxes.
Prices on other websites will be Object Object of taxes and service charges. - The "Lowest Price Guarantee" applies only to prices that are advertised and publicly available or listed on consumer-facing websites in Japan.
For example, it does not include special offers exclusive to our site, prices offered on membership program websites, corporate Discount or pricing, group, charter, points programs, referrals, incentives, education and training benefits, or license acquisition subsidies provided by trucking associations or license fee subsidies provided by the Japan Association for the Promotion of Traffic Orphans, prices obtained at auction or similar process, or prices Object only through the use of a coupon or other promotion not available to the general public.
This does not Object any charges you may receive by calling numbers listed on the website or in emails you may receive.
Cancellation of application after after using "Lowest Price Guaranteed"
Refunds will not be given in excess of the amount paid at the time of Reservation.
iD's "Lowest Price Guaranteed" Terms Change / Service Cancellation
In addition, even if I-Drive changes the contents of the terms and conditions or discontinues the service, ID shall not be liable to you in any way.
The terms of I-Drive 's Lowest Price Guarantee shall be those in effect at the time you request a price refund from I-Drive.
Even if you cancel the Lowest Price Guarantee service, we will continue to provide Lowest Price Guarantee Guarantee service to any reservations made on I-Drive within the past 24 hours from the time of cancellation, in accordance with the terms and conditions in place at the time of cancellation.
I-Drive Money Back Guarantee Policy will be effective from December 16, 2017.
Ziplus Co., Ltd.