Kagohara Driving School Traffic Access

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Saitama Prefecture

Kagohara Driving School


〒360-0846 Saitama Prefecture 726 Shorumama, Kumagaya City

Information regarding transportation 

From Tokyo

Maximum 2,000 yen (tax incl.)

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From Takasaki

Maximum 2,000 yen (tax incl.)

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Regarding Receipt

Receipt required

* Please purchase ticket and issue a receipt at the counter.
* School will not offer fully transportation fee.
* You have to pay one way first and school will give the fee for you on graduation date.
* It will not be paid if you transfer, leave school, or Temporary return home.
* Transportation to the Waiting Place will be arranged by yourself.

Go to school directly

In principle, it will be gathered at Kagohara Station.
Please contact us if you have any special reason.

Notes on Transportation

* Take the Shuttle bus to the driving Driving School.
* People in Saitama Prefecture will be responsible for their own expenses.
* For those outside the prefecture, a round-Maximum of 2,000 yen will be paid.
* Those who have a resident card in Kumagaya City or Fukaya City are not allowed to enter the school.
* Please arrive early as there is a possibility of delay due to the influence of the weather.
* If you are late for the meeting Meeting Place on the day, you may not be able to enter the school.
* If you are late for the meeting Meeting Place and go directly to the driving Driving School, you will be responsible for the Transportation fee such as taxi.

Application & Inquiries

Make a temporary reservation


Free consultation by phone 


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