Reviews of Matsuki Driving School Yamagata Chuo School

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Yamagata Prefecture

Matsuki Driving School Yamagata Chuo School


18 Review


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  • Mr. G (19 years old)

    MT Car (March)
    The Accommodation details was a hotel, but I was able to spend it quite comfortably. It wasn't a very new hotel, but the rooms were reasonably large and well equipped. Of course, it is fully equipped with heating and cooling. It was March, but it was still a chilly season, so I was happy that the heating was working well. The instructor's guidance was very easy to understand. It wasn't kind, but thanks to the proper guidance, I was able to clear the exam within the period. There were various kinds of Meals and it was delicious.
  • Mr. F (23 years old)

    AT Car (July)
    I went to a Driving Camp shortly before the summer vacation, but there were quite a lot of people. However, it wasn't crowded, and I was able to take regular training in both practical skills and departments every day. The instructor's guidance was easy to understand. The Accommodation details was a hotel, but it's just like a business hotel. But the room was bigger than I expected. The building wasn't new, but it was well equipped and very clean and comfortable. The Atmosphere of the driving Driving School was also pretty good.
  • Mr. S (20 years old)

    Regular Automatic Transmission (December)
    I had a lot of fun memories at this Driving School. There weren't many events, but there were also events that were perfect for spending time with friends and getting to know each other. I participated alone, but thanks to that, I made some friends. The instructor was a little strict, but I think this was just right for me, who is always vague. Accommodation is a fairly comfortable hotel. The air conditioner was working and the Meals was delicious and I was satisfied. The Atmosphere of the driving Driving School was good and the staff were very kind.
  • Mr. A (19 years old)

    AT Car (August)
    First of all, I'm an instructor, but I was a little scared. Of course, not all instructors are the same, but I was a little scared. But I don't think the guidance was wrong. Thanks to that, I was able to graduate safely and I was able to get a driver's license. The Accommodation was not so new but it was a solid hotel. I was able to spend quite comfortably. The Atmosphere of the whole Driving School was not bad either. In particular, I was glad that the staff were friendly and gave me various consultations. It was a short period of time, but I had a lot of memories, and of course, I was able to get my driver's license safely.
  • Mr. W (18 years old)

    Regular Automatic Transmission (December)
    The Accommodation is an ordinary hotel. It was not a luxury hotel, it was a business hotel. Recently, I hear that many inns with a nice Atmosphere are becoming Accommodation details, but this hotel was not so bad either. I was able to spend quite comfortably. The nutritional balance of the Meals was well thought out and it was very delicious. However, the instructor was a little scared for some people. I think it's unavoidable that there are variations, but I wish I could receive guidance in a similar Atmosphere to some extent. I think the Atmosphere of the Driving School is relatively friendly. To be honest, I was a little surprised because I imagined a more clerical Atmosphere.
  • Mr. H (20 years old)

    MT Car (September)
    When I think of a Driving Camp, I had the image that various events were prepared, but I'm glad that there wasn't much waste here. I think that the overall sharpness was effective only with moderate things such as yakiniku parties. Not only at the party, but also the usual Meals were very delicious. The instructor was strict and at the same time kind. Therefore, even though I had no driving experience or knowledge about cars, I was able to graduate safely and get a license. I'm really glad I chose this Driving School as my Driving Camp.
  • Mr. E (34 years old)

    AT Car (September)
    I was worried about the fact that I had a Driving Camp since I was in my thirties, but I didn't have to worry too much about it. Certainly there were many students, but I was able to secure my own time at the Accommodation details, so I was able to spend my time comfortably at all. The instructor's guidance was a little confusing and sometimes scary, but in the end I was glad that I was able to graduate firmly and obtain a license.
  • Mr. R (26 years old)

    AT Car (August)
    It wasn't particularly fun, but the purpose is to get a license, so I'm happy with this. Most of the time, it's just a round trip between the Accommodation and the school. The Accommodation and the school were a little far apart, but this Commute Driving School time was also a nice refreshing time. The Meals was delicious and the Accommodation details was a comfortable space. For some reason, I made friends when I was spending time together. It was a short period of time, but I think it was a really good memory.
  • Mr. T (19 years old)

    AT Car (July)
    In my case, I participated in the Driving Camp alone, so of course I was full of anxiety at first. However, thanks to the warm welcome of the staff, I was able to quickly get used to this environment. I think it's a really Atmosphere Driving School. When I checked the word-of-mouth, some people said that the instructor was scared, but I didn't feel that way. Everyone was very kind, so I enjoyed both the practical skills and the department. The Meals was delicious and the Accommodation was very comfortable. At the end, I didn't want to return anymore. Thank you for all the help you have given me.
  • M (18 years old)

    AT Car (July)
    The only thing I didn't like was the instructor's attitude. I was scared anyway. Of course, it may be unavoidable to think that I have to graduate in a short period of time, but my attitude was not very good. The Accommodation was a very nice place. The Meals was pretty good and the menu was plentiful. Besides, the staff other than the instructor were very kind, so the Atmosphere was very good. That is why the instructor may have felt unfortunate. Also, I thought that the schedule was well thought out. I had no experience of driving at all, but I was able to get used to driving immediately. I was happy that I was able to get a driver's license.
  • Mr. Y (22 years old)

    Regular Automatic Transmission (January)
    The Driving Camp itself was a lot of fun, but the lessons were a little tough. Especially the instructor was scared and the practical training was depressing. There isn't one instructor, so maybe I was just out of luck, but it was a bit painful. I almost broke my heart on the way. However, the staff at the Driving School were very kind and the overall Atmosphere was warm. I also had plenty of time to interact with other students, so I made friends. I think this is also an attraction unique to a Driving Camp. I participated in the Driving Camp for the purpose of obtaining a driver's license in a short period of time, but I think I was able to obtain various things other than the driver's license.
  • Mr. F (20 years old)

    AT Car (July)
    The facilities and Meals in the Accommodation and school building were perfect, but the impression was not very good. Anyway, the Atmosphere wasn't very good. The staff's explanation was difficult to understand, and it was not an Atmosphere where I could ask questions, so I was confused. The instructor was pretty strict and scared. The guidance was often difficult to understand. Still, I'm glad I managed to graduate. I was able to pass the exam after graduation.
  • Mr. I (20 years old)

    MT Car (September)
    The first impression is that it is a driving Driving School with a nice Atmosphere. The staff welcomed me with a feeling of being at home. Most of the instructors were strict, but it wasn't bad in terms of taking the lessons with a sense of tension. Especially when it comes to road training, there is a danger of accidents, so it may have to be as strict as this. Thanks to the strict but solid guidance, I was able to obtain a license safely.
  • Mr. O (38 years old)

    AT Car (February)
    It was my first Driving Camp, but it wasn't as cramped as I expected. The Accommodation was a little far from the driving Driving School, so it feels like Commute Driving School to school. I didn't have a place to play around, but I was able to reset my feelings every day. At first, I couldn't drive well at all, but as I was instructed every day, I gradually improved and was able to graduate safely. After I got home, I took this test and was a little impressed when I got my driver's license. In the end, I'm glad I participated in this Driving Camp. Thank you very much for your help.
  • Mr. K (18 years old)

    AT Regular Car (March)
    It was quite depressing until the Driving Camp life actually started. However, I really wanted to get a driver's license by the time I became a college student, so I participated alone. But when you arrive at school and the lessons start, it's fun. There were many students of the same age, so I made friends right away. The staff were also kind, and I was glad that they took care of me who participated alone. Of course, I was able to graduate as planned and get a license. I'm really looking forward to driving a car in my new life.
  • Mr. U (22 years old)

    MT Car (January)
    Frankly speaking, the instructor was the worst. Not only was it scary, it was really unpleasant. I talked with other trainees, but it seems that there were some instructors with bad attitudes. However, it seems that this is not limited to this Driving School. The staff was kind, but the explanation was difficult to understand. Even if I was explained in a clerical manner, I was confused because it was my first Driving Camp and I couldn't understand it. The Accommodation was well equipped so I have no complaints. I think the Meals was normal. It's not really delicious, but the menu was well-balanced in nutrition.
  • Mr. F (19 years old)

    MT Car (August)
    I wanted to give up and go home many times on the way. I didn't go with the instructor anyway. I was scared because there was a type of instructor who took an attitude as soon as something happened. Thanks to that, the Atmosphere of the whole Driving School was unpleasant and uncomfortable. The Accommodation was well equipped, but unfortunately it was a little far from the Driving School. As for the Meals, it was dull and I couldn't really find any fun during the Driving Camp. I managed to graduate, but I don't want to participate in a Driving Camp anymore. Well, maybe it just didn't suit my personality.
  • Mr. H (20 years old)

    AT Car (November)
    It was quite cold because it was November. Fortunately, it didn't snow so hard during my Driving Camp, but the temperature was quite low and I regretted that I should have taken some more measures against the cold. The Atmosphere of the driving Driving School is somewhat cold. It was as clerical as a university window. However, I didn't have any problems because he taught me things I didn't understand. I was not good at instructors than that. I was blatantly in a bad mood, so I was always nervous and took lessons. I have no complaints about Accommodation and Meals. I think this area was very comfortable.

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