Smart Driver School Tokorozawa Chuo Accommodation details

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Saitama Prefecture

Smart Driver School Tokorozawa Chuo

Accommodation list

Blue is for men only. Pink is for women only. Green means no gender restrictions.

Room type: Single (SC)

Room type: Twin (SC)

Room type: Shared room (SC)

Accommodation area

Introduction of each facilities

01. Leopalace Bellplatz

Room type

Single (SC) Twin (SC) Shared room (SC)


Men only
  • 1.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 1 Interior.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 2 Kitchen.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 3 Furo.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 4 Interior.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 5 Washing machine.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 9 Appearance 2.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 1.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 1 Interior.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 2 Kitchen.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 3 Furo.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 4 Interior.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 5 Washing machine.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz
  • 9 Appearance 2.jpg | Leopalace Bellplatz

2082-1 Kume, Tokorozawa City Saitama Prefecture 359-1131
Supermarkets and Restaurants are nearby, and the convenience store is within Walk distance!

Accommodation details 

Convenient Accommodation about 5 minutes walk from the Driving School!
Separate bath / toilet. Comes equipped with shower, bidet, heated toilet seat, bathroom drying machine, indoor washing machine storage, and air conditioner!

Accommodation type Apartment
Phone number
Distance from driving school 5 minutes walk
Hot spring
Meals lunch only
Meals No morning and evening / Noon: Lunch box at the Driving School
Convenience store/ATM Convenience store 7 min. walk 
Bicycle rental None
Twin None
Room for 3/4 persons NA
Share room Available
Change sheets Individually
Cleaning Yourself
Non-smoking No Smoking
Gender restrictions Male only


無線LAN/Wi-Fi あり ※2024 10/1~Wi-Fi無し

Room Equipment・Amenity

Laundry Free
Free Dryer (Bathroom Dryer)
bath Yes
Toilet Yes
TV set can be
Refrigerator Yes
Microwave Yes
Hair dryer None
Soap NA
Shampoo + rinse NA
Bath/face towel
Electric kettle Yes
Hanger / clothesline Yes
Valuable items None

02. Leonext Kizuna

Room type

Single (SC)


Women only
  • a.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • b.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • c.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • d.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • e.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • f.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • g.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • h.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • i.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • j.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • k.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • l.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • m.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • a.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • b.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • c.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • d.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • e.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • f.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • g.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • h.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • i.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • j.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • k.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • l.jpg | Leonext Kizuna
  • m.jpg | Leonext Kizuna

2-8-5 Nishitokorozawa, Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture 3591144
This room is for women only.
Supermarkets and Don Quijote are within Walk distance, so you can prepare your own meals comfortably.
Plenty of storage!

Accommodation details 

Offering a good balance of storage and leisure amenities, Leonext Kizuna will meet your needs. 32" TV, Refrigerator, microwave, bathroom dryer are included. Since meals are not included, all kitchen utensils etc. are also provided!

Accommodation type School's accommodation
Phone number
Distance from the driving school 10 minutes by bicycle
Hot spring
Meals with lunch
Meal Plan Details Lunch: Lunch box
Convenience store/ATM Walk 7 minutes Walk supermarket (Seiyu)
Bicycle Rental available
Single Available
Twin None
Room for 3/4 persons NA
Share room N/A
Change sheets Individually
Cleaning Yourself
Non-smoking No Smoking
Gender restrictions Female only


Wifi FiWireless LAN *2024/10/1~No Wi-Fi

Room Equipment・Amenity

Laundry Each room (all rooms are equipped)
Dryer Bathroom Dryer
bath in every room
toilet in every room
TV set can be
Refrigerator Yes
Microwave in every room
Hair dryer None
Soap NA
Shampoo/Rinse All rooms are complete
Bath/face towel
Electric kettle Yes
Hanger / clothesline Yes
Valuable items None

03. Leopalace TAKA

Room type

Single (SC) Twin (SC)


Women only
  • a.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • b.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • c.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • d.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • e.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • f.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • g.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • h.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • a.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • b.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • c.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • d.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • e.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • f.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • g.jpg | Leopalace TAKA
  • h.jpg | Leopalace TAKA

421-2 Yamaguchi, Tokorozawa City Saitama Prefecture 359-1145
[Equipped with kitchen utensils]
Pot, frying pan, kitchen knife, kitchen scissors, peeler, turner
Ladles, mugs, dish Detergent, sponges, triangular Corner, etc.

Accommodation details 

Built in the fall of 2019, the women-only accommodation is in
 a comfortable environment.
and the kitchen is fully equipped with cooking utensils, making it easy to prepare your own meals!
The loft and high ceilings make the rooms spacious and easy to use.
You can also borrow a bicycle!

Accommodation type School's accommodation
Phone number
Distance from the driving school 10 minutes by bicycle
Hot spring
Meals with lunch
Meal Plan Details Lunch: Lunch box
Convenience store/ATM 2 minutes walk
Bicycle rental are available for rental. Every morning, everyone rides their bikes to school.
Single Available
Twin Yes "Sofa bed" + "Futon (loft)"
Room for 3/4 people
Share room for up to 2 people
Change sheets Individually
Cleaning Yourself
Non-smoking No smoking


無線LAN/Wi-Fi あり ※2024 10/1~Wi-Fi無し

Room Equipment・Amenity

Laundry with washing machine (without Detergent)
Dryer (bathroom ventilation simple machine)
Bath each room
Toilet room
TV room
Refrigerator room
Microwave Yes
Hair dryer None
Soap NA
Shampoo/Rinse available
Bath/face towel
There is a Electric kettle pot
Hanger / clothesline Yes
Valuable items None

Application & Inquiries

Make a temporary reservation


Free consultation by phone 


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