Nishio Driving School Reviews

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Aichi prefecture

Nishio Driving School


10 Review


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  • DO (21 years old)

    MT Car (March)
    Those who graduated on April 9, 2023. When I decided to attend Nishio Driving School for Driving Camp, I was in the countryside and there was nothing around me, so what was I supposed to do? I wonder if I can make it through 14 days? I was very anxious. However, once the training began, the subjects, skills, and instructors were all very well-rounded. I couldn't help but enjoy every class and lesson. In particular, the courses taught by instructors Ken Sugiura and instructors Kamata were really interesting. During Driving lesson, I was especially grateful to instructor Ota. He taught me things that are common now, but useful things like, ``Don't step on the brakes unnecessarily. When turning right, pull as far to the right as possible. When turning left, pull as far to the left as possible.'' Ta. Also, thanks to instructor Ishikawa, I can now parallel park perfectly! ! ``The training is more intense than matcha.'' That's exactly right. it was fun. thank you for helping me.
  • Mr. GU (24 years old)

    AT Regular Car (March)
    I wrote this article because I wanted to share it with those who are planning to get Driving Camp at Nishio Driving School in Aichi prefecture, that is, those who are planning to study in a boarding school. I am a Vietnamese student participating in a 2-week Driving Camp camp course to obtain an AT license 100% in Japanese (studying from scratch). I Reservation in September with a tuition fee of 256,000 yen and a referral from ID License Center for Driving Camp. Thoughts on the teachers: Many of the teachers are very friendly towards foreigners, and some even say that they like Vietnamese people because they are kind and hard working (some of them don't talk much, so they don't talk much). Don't say anything - it's their nature, so I don't blame them, just tell me). If someone with a bad attitude fills out a piece of paper at the counter while you're studying, they'll probably make arrangements so you don't have to see them again. I'm very happy. There's a lot to learn. I can only speak Japanese, so I'm a little tired from working on it from morning until night. Learning content: (Theoretical) You will learn in Japanese, so you will have to work hard.Vietnamese books are also sold, so if you want to read more, you can buy them. If you have time, look up all the new words. If you solve a lot of MUSASI questions, you can pass the exam, and if you study Japanese at the N3 level, you will be able to fully master it.
  • Mr. j (19 years old)

    AT Car (February)
    "I entered the school with the aim of obtaining an Regular Car automatic transmission license. The reason I chose Nishio Driving School is that the information was posted on the homepage in an easy-to-understand manner. The price is the same as other Driving Camp, but the service is substantial and The Atmosphere of the Driving School is not bad. The instructor's guidance was polite and easy to understand, so I graduated within the safe period. The accommodations were so comfortable that I was sad to leave. I will remember what I learned at the driving camp and drive safely.. "
  • LU (19 years old)

    AT Car (November)
    This time, I enrolled in Driving Camp. I was exempt from the theory, so I don't know about Lessons for written test, but I thought Driving lesson was of very high quality. Each instructor had their own personality and I found it very enjoyable to talk to them. There were also intensive practice sessions on areas I was weak at, and I could clearly see my driving skills improving. In terms of learning the joy of driving, it deserves 5 stars. Driving Camp had breakfast and lunch, but the breakfast was mainly bread, so it may not be suitable for people who prefer rice. For lunch, we had lunch at Cafe Mashu Lake, which is about a 1-2 minute walk. The school is closed on Tuesday, so we had to go to the convenience store on Tuesday to buy our own food. (We received a QUO card when we enrolled, so this was not a problem.) For dinner, each person had to eat their own dinner, but there was a vending machine for cup noodles in the cafeteria. There were other stores that offered delivery, so for your reference. (Gusto, Domino's Pizza, Aoki's Pizza) The school was closed on Sundays, so there were no lessons. However, there were no entertainment facilities nearby, so we spent most of the time in our rooms. The WiFi in the hotel worked without any problems. (The speed was a little slow, but it was perfectly fine for a business hotel.) Measures against the new coronavirus were being taken seriously, so I don't think there's anything to worry about.
  • Mr. f (19 years old)

    AT Car (September)
    I wanted to get my driver's license in a short period of time, so I enrolled in Nishio Driving School because it was easily accessible. The school had a simple interior and a relaxed atmosphere. There were many instructors who taught me in a way that was easy to understand. I was worried about additional fees, so I took the "Anshin Pack". But thanks to the easy-to-understand instruction, I passed the test on the first try! I was very happy that I was refunded the amount of the safety package. The accommodation was clean and comfortable, and the food was delicious, so I ate every meal. I am so glad that I enrolled in Nishio Driving School!
  • Mr. s (20 years old)

    MT Car (March)
    I had the opportunity to use this course in March. I had a very good impression of the instructor's teaching policy and the way he treated me. The reception staff is also very helpful. The school is well cleaned and has a good sense of cleanliness. As for the accommodation, I had a single room in a hotel, which was comfortable, but the carpet was stained badly. As for meals, you only get breakfast and lunch at the hotel, so you have to pay for the evening meal, which is not a very good service. However, I think it is reasonable for the price of the training. I was able to graduate without any problems, so I think it is a passable driving camp license.
  • Mr. b (25 years old)

    AT Car (September)
    I participated in a Driving Camp with a friend using a female-only friendly twin plan. I'm a good friend of mine who I'm always with, so I'm rather welcome to the double room. However, the price was reasonable and it was very profitable. However, I was worried that the carpet in the room was dirty even though it was cleaned every day. The essential lessons gradually improved thanks to the kind instructors. When I reached the scheduled graduation date without any problems, I was filled with a sense of accomplishment. I'm glad I had a good time because I was with my friends.
  • Mr. c (20 years old)

    AT Car (September)
    I was talking about going to a Driving Camp with my friends, and when I was looking for something good, I found Nishio Driving School. The reason I chose this is because there was a female-only friendly twin plan. Thanks to that, I was able to save a little on the training fee. The Atmosphere of the Driving School is calm and you can concentrate on your studies. The instructor's guidance is basically polite, but I think it is compatible because the teaching method changes depending on the person. I'm glad that the people who were in charge of me were all friendly people.
  • Mr. D (20 years old)

    Motorcycle MT (August)
    "I wanted to use a motorcycle as a means of daily transportation, so I decided to get a license. I heard that my friend had used Nishio Driving School, so I entered my school. The department is confident. I was worried if I could keep up with it because I didn't have it, but the instruction was polite and easy to understand, so I could learn without leaving it. The lesson fee was reasonable and it was very helpful to have a friend introduce me to it. Thanks to the instructor for giving me. "
  • Mr. d (25 years old)

    AT Car (August)
    "I used my Driving Camp in August. The course is spacious so I can concentrate on it. The instructor changes the person in charge every day, so it may not be good for people who are not good. The Accommodation is old, but I can spend it without any inconvenience. It's a little annoying because I only have breakfast, lunch is a subsidy, and Meals is purchased by myself. I wish I had a lunch or something. It's not a bad driving Driving School, so I'll give it this Review. "

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