Smart Driver School Tokyo Accommodation details

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Smart Driver School Tokyo

Accommodation list

Blue is for men only. Pink is for women only. Green means no gender restrictions.

Room type: Single

Room type: Twin

Room type: Shared room

Accommodation area

Introduction of each facilities

01. Oshima Square

Room type

Single twin Shared room


Men only
  • b.jpg | Oshima Square
  • a.jpg | Oshima Square
  • c.jpg | Oshima Square
  • d.jpg | Oshima Square
  • b.jpg | Oshima Square
  • a.jpg | Oshima Square
  • c.jpg | Oshima Square
  • d.jpg | Oshima Square

651 Funagi, Sashikiji, Oshima-cho Tokyo 100-0211
It is a warm Accommodation like a log house!

Accommodation details 


Accommodation type School's accommodation
電話番号 04992-4-1521
Distance from driving school  On the premises of the school 
Hot spring with large communal bath
Meals 3 meals
Meal Plan Details Lunch boxes are provided at the driving Driving School
Convenience store/ATM not listed
Bicycle rental not mentioned
Single Available
Twin Available
Room for 3/4 people available
Share room available (4-10 people)
Administrator Will stay in the accomodation as well 
Change sheets not mentioned
Cleaning Not mentioned
Non-smoking No smoking (possible at the entrance)
Gender restrictions Male only


Wifi Wi-Fi available

Room Equipment・Amenity

Laundry available Common use (free)
Shared Drying machine Common use free)
Shared room with Bathroom Common use other Share room Each room
Toilet Each room
TV set can be
Refrigerator None
Microwave NA
Hair dryer None
Soap NA
Shampoo + rinse NA
Toothbrush None
Bath/face towel None
Electric kettle Not mentioned
Hanger / clothesline Yes
Valuable items listed

Application & Inquiries

Make a temporary reservation


Free consultation by phone 


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