Smart Driver School Kawagoe Accommodation details

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Saitama Prefecture

Smart Driver School Kawagoe

Accommodation list

Blue is for men only. Pink is for women only. Green means no gender restrictions.

Room type: Single

Room type: Twin

Room type: Shared room

Accommodation area

Introduction of each facilities

01. Leopalace Bld. 4

Room type

Single twin Shared room


Men only
  • a.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • b.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • c.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • d.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • e.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • f.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • a.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • b.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • c.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • d.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • e.png | Leopalace Bld. 4
  • f.png | Leopalace Bld. 4

390 Nishiasuma, Nishi-ku, Saitama City Saitama Prefecture 331-0061
You can live a comfortable Driving Camp!

Accommodation details 

Located about 15 minutes from campus by Shuttle bus. 5 minute walk to supermarkets, etc. Popular semi-loft type room. All rooms are equipped with a Refrigerator, microwaves, and bathroom dryers.

Accommodation type School's accommodation
Phone number
Distance from the driving school 15 minutes by school bus
Hot spring
3 Meals lunch at a driving Driving School
Meal Plan Details supplement
Convenience store/ATM CVS 12 minutes on walk
Bicycle rental NA
Single rooms (twin when crowded)
Twin None
Room for 3/4 persons NA
Share room for 2 people (9 rooms)
Administrator Not available
Change sheets None
Cleaning Yourself
Non-smoking No smoking
Gender restrictions Male only


Wifi Wi-Fi available *No Wi-Fi from 1 Oct 2024
Internet supplement

Room Equipment・Amenity

Laundry with washing machine (free)
Drying machine NA
bath in every room
toilet in every room
TV set none
Refrigerator All rooms are complete
Microwave in every room
Hair dryer None
Soap NA
Shampoo + rinse NA
Bath/face towel
Kettle NA
Hanger / Laundry Pole Each room
Valuable items None

02. Flora WEST

Room type

Single twin Shared room


Men only
  • 01.jpg | Flora West
  • 02.jpg | Flora West
  • 03.jpg | Flora West
  • 04.jpg | Flora West
  • 05.jpg | Flora West
  • 06.jpg | Flora West
  • 07.jpg | Flora West
  • 08.jpg | Flora West
  • 01.jpg | Flora West
  • 02.jpg | Flora West
  • 03.jpg | Flora West
  • 04.jpg | Flora West
  • 05.jpg | Flora West
  • 06.jpg | Flora West
  • 07.jpg | Flora West
  • 08.jpg | Flora West

〒331-0078 埼玉県さいたま市西区西大宮3丁目42-6

Accommodation details 


Accommodation type School's accommodation
Phone number
Distance from the driving school 15 minutes at Shuttle bus
Hot spring
Meals 3 meals
Meal Plan Details lunch
Convenience store/ATM supermarket/convenience store within 10 minutes walk distance
Bicycle rental NA
Single Available
Twin Available
Room for 3/4 people
Share room Available
Administrator Curfew 22:00
Change sheets Individually
Cleaning Yourself
Non-smoking * No smoking
Gender restrictions for men


Wireless LAN / Wi-Fi Yes

Room Equipment・Amenity

Laundry available
Drying machine bathroom drying
Bathroom Each room
Toilet Each room
TV Each room
Refrigerator Yes
Microwave Yes
Hair dryer Yes
Soap NA
Shampoo + rinse NA
Bath/face towel
Electric kettle Yes
Hanger / Laundry Pole Each room
Valuable items None

03. Leopalace

Room type

Single twin Shared room


Men only
  • 1 Accommodation exterior.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 2 Accommodation interior.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 3 Single beds.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 4 semi-loft bed.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 5Kitchen.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 6Toilet.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 7 Bathroom | Leopalace
  • 1 Accommodation exterior.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 2 Accommodation interior.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 3 Single beds.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 4 semi-loft bed.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 5Kitchen.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 6Toilet.jpeg | Leopalace
  • 7 Bathroom | Leopalace

402-1 Nishiasuma, Nishi-ku, Saitama City Saitama Prefecture 331-0062
You can live a comfortable Driving Camp.

Accommodation details 

Located about 15 minutes away from campus by Shuttle bus. All rooms are equipped with a refrigerator, microwaves, bathroom dryers, and heated toilet seats.

Accommodation type School's accommodation
Phone number
Distance from the driving school 15 minutes by school bus
Hot spring
3 Meals lunch at a driving Driving School
Meal Plan Details supplement
Convenience store/ATM convenience store (12 minutes on walk)
Bicycle rental NA
Single rooms (twin when crowded)
Twin None
Room for 3/4 persons NA
Share room N/A
Administrator Not available Curfew 22:00
Change sheets None
Cleaning Yourself
Non-smoking No smoking


Wifi Wi-Fi available *No Wi-Fi from 1 Oct 2024
Internet supplement

Room Equipment・Amenity

Laundry Each room
Drying machine Bathroom Drying machine
Bathroom Each room
Toilet Each room
TV Each room
Refrigerator Each room
Microwave Each room
Hair dryer Each room
Soap NA
Shampoo + rinse NA
Bath/face towel
Kettle NA
Hanger / Laundry Pole Each room
Valuable items None


Room type

Single twin Shared room


Women only
  • rurban01.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban02.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban03.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban04.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban05.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban06.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban07.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban01.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban02.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban03.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban04.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban05.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban06.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西
  • rurban07.jpg | ラーバンコート大宮西

〒331-0047 埼玉県さいたま市西区指扇2629

Accommodation details 

This is a newly built Accommodation completed in 2024!
There are convenience stores and restaurants nearby, and you can spend two weeks comfortably in a brand new, modern room.

Accommodation type School's accommodation
電話番号 049-235-1543
Distance from the driving school
Hot spring
3 Meals lunch at a driving Driving School
Meal Plan Details Self-catering is also possible
コンビニ/ATM 徒歩5分以内にローソン
Bicycle rental NA
シングル 6部屋
ツイン 6部屋
Room for 3/4 persons NA
Share room Available
Administrator NA
Change sheets None
Cleaning Yes
Non-smoking No smoking


Wifi Wi-Fi available

Room Equipment・Amenity

Laundry Yes (for free)
Drying machine NA
Bath each room
Toilet room
TV set can be
Refrigerator room
Microwave Yes
Hair dryer Yes
Soap NA
Shampoo + rinse NA
Bath/face towel
Electric kettle Yes
Hanger / clothesline Yes
Valuable items None

Application & Inquiries

Make a temporary reservation


Free consultation by phone 


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