Binan Driving School Reviews

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Hiroshima Prefecture

Binan Driving School


12 Review


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  • Mr. f (26 years old)

    Large type (July)
    I enrolled in the school to get a heavy driver's license. Since I already had a medium-sized driver's license, I was told that I could get it in as little as 8 days. The lessons were very detailed and easy to understand, and the accommodations were in the same school, so it was easy to move around. I requested a single room, so I could spend my time freely. The price was very reasonable for a single room. They also offer delicious meals that change daily. I am glad that I was able to enjoy Hiroshima even though it was only for a short time.
  • Mr. c (26 years old)

    Semi-Med (August)
    "I decided to get a semi-medium-sized license because I was changing jobs. I decided to go with the Binan Driving School because of the good reviews of their large driver's license driving camp. When I actually entered the school, I agreed with all the reviews. First of all, the facilities are very clean. The facilities are very clean and well equipped with the latest technology. The instructors were also polite and easy to understand. This driving school also seems to offer job placement assistance, so I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a job. "
  • j (38 years old)

    Semi-Med (January)
    Binan Driving School was Semi-medium Vehicle License with a logistics company and offered a large Driving Camp with employment support. As I thought, the polite guidance was easy to understand, and I quickly grabbed the tricks. Accommodation details is on campus, so it's easy to move around. Moreover, it was very beautifully made, so I was able to spend comfortably. In the future, I would like to do a job that makes use of the Semi-medium Vehicle License that I have obtained.
  • Mr. d (32 years old)

    Trailer-truck (August)
    I entered the school to get a Towing Vehicle Driver's License. The Accommodation was a bit old, but it was well cleaned and well equipped with Wi-Fi, so I was able to spend it without any problems. I made it a regular room in order to keep costs down as much as possible, but it was easy to share because I was close to the person who shared the room. The instructor taught me in an easy-to-understand manner, but I also felt that it was too friendly. Even so, I am grateful that the instructors were able to obtain a license safely thanks to the guidance.
  • Mr. k (35 years old)

    Semi-Med (March)
    "It's a driving school that I highly recommend for a Heavy Vehicle License 's Driving Camp. The facility was bright and clean. It was equipped with the latest equipment. It was good that all the staff were friendly. One instructor spoke at the Hiroshima Ben and couldn't understand it and couldn't have a smooth conversation. Still, listening to the local dialect was very refreshing, and I could learn the Driving Camp while understanding the results. I am very happy that I was able to do it. "
  • Mr. d (23 years old)

    Large type (March)
    "I thought that I could use it for job hunting, so I enrolled in a Driving Camp for a Large Vehicle License driver's license. Many of the trainees who entered the school at the same time were of the same age, and I was Accommodation. Although it was perfect, it was a little old. Also, the Meals was delicious, but the dinner was a little unsatisfactory for me personally. Still, in summary, I have a fulfilling Driving Camp life in Hiroshima, which I visited for the first time. I was able to. "
  • DI (18 years old)

    AT Car (September)
    This is my personal favorite Driving School. Some people say this in a bad way, but I'm just saying it harshly for the sake of the trainees. What is mental driving? If the driver is also walking, he or she is a pedestrian. I think it's Driving School that fosters compassion and doesn't do to others what you wouldn't want done to you.
  • Mr. RO (22 years old)

    Large type (June)
    Thank you for your help at the large Driving Camp. I felt like I was single for the first time in a while in a comfortable environment, and the 10 days felt surprisingly short 😅 Meals was especially good 😋 In addition to convenience stores, there are Lamu, drugstores, Donki, Daiso, etc. in the surrounding area, which is all you need.As for guidance, all the staff members saw it. Not really, but I guess it's something like this. The school has the responsibility to ensure that it is safe to give this person a license, so I think it is inevitable that the process will be somewhat strict.Some of the content on the website and information pamphlet is outdated. Therefore, it is better to ask carefully about the price and Meeting Time at Matsunaga Station. The day before, I was told to arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled time on the brochure, so I had to hastily re-book my reserved seat on the Shinkansen...😑 The large training car was worn out😅The rest seemed to be new, since it's in the suburbs. I think street lessons are quite easy 😁 It is a school that is Object the specified general education benefit (40% back), which is rare in the country, so it is especially recommended for those Object eligible for the benefit and are aiming to obtain Semi-Med or higher💰
  • Mr. PY (18 years old)

    AT Car (August)
    The price was very low which was helpful. Three meals were served and the room was clean.
  • Mr. VU (19 years old)

    Regular Car Manual Transmission (December)
    The price was low and it was easy to extend the stay. The rice was also delicious. It was nice that the instructors also praised me.
  • Mr. FY (20 years old)

    AT Regular Car (March)
    I participated in Driving Camp. I was able to Meals breakfast and lunch at the cafeteria, and at night I had a hot lunch box, but I was satisfied because I could choose what I liked every day. Driving Camp camp dormitory itself is new and has a good environment. Many of the training cars are old, but overall I think it's a good environment for Driving Camp. I would like to add that the driving instructors changed often, and each one had different instructions (checkpoints) regarding Notes and operations, but once I entered the village, I had to mentally adapt well. It's true, but it's only natural that different people say different things, and if you're used to the world like me, you can dismiss it as a trivial matter, but for young people driving for the first time who don't know left from right. There were a lot of comments that seemed to be difficult to accept, so I added this because I was a little concerned.Isn't it necessary to teach young people in a way that is suitable for beginners? I feel like that
  • Mr. RP (24 years old)

    Medium-sized type (July)
    Thank you for your help at the medium-sized Driving Camp. I don't know the quality of the instructor as I haven't experienced it elsewhere, but in my opinion I have two stars: The lessons will proceed with the assumption that you can drive a medium-sized vehicle smoothly from the beginning, so please prepare thoroughly. Sho. (I learned this beforehand on YouTube) When I asked the question, "Is there anything you don't understand?", I was treated with a bored attitude, as if it was obvious that I knew it, and that I should make my own decisions. I stopped halfway through asking a specific question. (I can't say I'm very polite.) It's attractive to be able to use the Specified General Benefit System and get paid cheaply, but if you fail the exam multiple times (remedial lessons + exam + extra overnight stay), you'll end up paying additional fees elsewhere. Schools without one may be cheaper, so if you are not used to riding MT or are not confident, you may want to consider such options. Bicycle rental can be rented for up to one hour at a time, and can only be used for short shopping trips. Dormitory: Breakfast and lunch are served in the cafeteria, and dinner is served by ordering hot motto. The taste was good, but the quantity was a little small, so I had to buy more at a nearby supermarket for about 3 to 500 yen a day. (I think it would be fine for women/slim to average men) The room was as clean as a hotel, and I had a comfortable stay with Hair dryer, pot, and mini Refrigerator. The only shops nearby are Book Off, TSUTAYA, Yume Town, and Pachinko, so if you are not coming to the school by car, don't forget to bring some time-killing goods.

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